Politics is the natural environment of the psychopath. Politics is always about doing the wrong thing. Criminals flourish in times of crisis, because they are more easily able to run their scams. This is who the Progressive Establishment Globalist (PEGs) are; this is what the PEGs are doing.
They make shit up, just to scam us. Fake crisis. Like this bullshit covid-19 pandemic, fake as shit, planned, executed, supported by establishment bullshit, Hive Media, corrupt governments. The latest in a long and notorious line of scams. Communism anyone?
What are the fields of politics? Legal practice, mass communications, political office, basically government. Then there is business, marketing and management. And if you don’t think business is political, that’s the problem. Who do you think runs the establishment, including the political parties (both of them) and the governments?
We have the concentrated collective pinnacle of psychopaths represented by the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundations, the United Nations, the Gates Foundation, and hive governments the world over. They are scheming to take over the world by way of their “Great Reset.” A planned and war-gamed attack on the people of the world, by way of utter-bullshit, and corrupt government officials.
‘Progressive Establishment Globalists” to give them a name. PEGs for short.
This class of people use violence to exploit the people, with business and government. To them, we are their source of food, of which they count themselves as the farmers of humanity. The deep state, as much a private society as anything else, outsiders beware! Look at how the ever present criminals react to Donald Trump’s election into office—by the people—a breach of their power dominance. The nerve! Cue violence.
War, war never changes, because of the Ever Present Criminals.
Having presented a greatly simplified presentation of who these bad people are, PEGs, recognize that over the course of history, they are the cause of wars, genocides, slavery, and the general savage abuse of the people. Exploiters. They consider us their food, and themselves too good to work for a living.
Legal practice, what they call “the law” is how they take and maintain their power. The practice of “law” is political, not just. Always has been; always will be. Legal practice is inherently evil, as it is explicitly willfully incompetent, in favor of that which pays them best. Fuck justice, give me the money!
With “the law” on their side, they use governments, which are criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the establishment, to wage war on the citizens of the world, throughout the course of history. Always have, always will. This is why governments must be treated as criminal organizations, because they are. So too, the practice of legal—which is ignored, as systemically arranged and protected by the ever present criminals.
Military personnel have more in common with each other across nationalities, than they have in common with the political criminals giving them orders to kill each other, to benefit the political criminals. How about this: we kill the political criminals calling for war, and leave the people out of it? Kill the political criminals, leave the innocent and honest people out of it. Military and police, this is what you signed up for. They lied to you, but that is what you were promised, in serving your country. Hunt and kill the bad people, PEGs.
Donald Trump hasn’t attacked anyone, the first US President not to have done so in my lifetime (1962). He is also the first President treated poorly by his own political party since Jimmy Carter, who was very badly treated by the Democrat criminals in Congress. I don’t think either of these two people are part of the Progressive Establishment Globalists, though Jimmy Carter may now be corrupted.
Royalty and Aristocrats.
Consistent though, are the treatment of regular people as common fodder. Criminals are like that, large and small. Predators who choose not to do for themselves, and hurt others for a living. Cops, you know what I’m saying. Military, so do you. Too often this is what you do, the dirty lifting for criminal PEGs, and NOT what you signed up for. Please, stop serving the PEGs. Your oath of office is to the US Constitution, not these political criminals. They are corrupt, so you cannot serve them.
And stop killing yourselves. You’re killing the wrong guys. Let’s not fail where it counts. We your fellow Americans love you, and don’t want you to go like that. You are the first of us, Americans.
Heart broken by the failing of your country, the failing of yourselves for doing PEG biddings, stop doing them, quit if that’s what’s right. Forgive yourself for making these mistakes, we do, we’ve done them too, serving under false pretenses, the agenda of these ever present criminals. We Americans are the country, not the land, nor the not-Americans, nor the PEGs. Without us, there is no America.
The criminal political class is not concerned—they are above the “law.” They own and operate the press, the political parties, the governments, “the law.” Members of the deep state club. No fear of the fodder they abuse, exploit and ridicule, the citizens of America, most especially Americans.
We’re going to change that. 🙂
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Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.