My exclamation of life and living is that just being here, to see what happens next, is reward enough for still being alive. When you count yourself entitled to life, you’re always disappointed it wasn’t enough. When you realize you’re not entitled to anything, disappointment turns to gratitude.
Gratitude is a “tell” of health and sanity. Sick people do believe themselves entitled to just about everything. Truth is, we’re not even entitle to life itself. And failing that, we’re not entitle to anything at all. This realization is so powerful, so healing, I’ve grown to appreciate just being here.
Bonus is when I get things done, that I care about. Bonus is when the day brings unexpected surprise and delight. Gifts—as I was never entitled to these things.
I recently bought a book I’ve been wanting for years. The Art of Electronics, Third Edition. This book isn’t particularly hard to find and purchase, and it isn’t particularly expensive. Its just that I’ve always had things that “took” precedence over its purchase. Truth is, the things I was doing did not need this book, but now they do. I’m moving into nuance for electrical and electronic engineering, picking nits, and need a better, more specific understanding of things.
And its wonderful. Like a kid’s Christmas! Questions and answers. Wonders and discoveries. Young and old all at once. Learning to do. Doing to reach objectives. Objectives that are productive and wealth building. Being an American.
Education is the life long process of finding out how much you’ll never know.
Doing, learning and producing are very entertaining. I’ve been retired most of my life, because for most of my life, I’ve done what I wanted to do for a “living” not what I had to do for a “living.” And as an Information Developer, a role I created and coined for myself, learning is the work.
Teaching is a great way of upping your learning. When you teach, you have to first explain why it matters, then explain how it works, then rehearse it. And the more you learn, the more you realize how much you just don’t know. When my students start telling me that, I tell them that realization itself, is the surest sign they are learning.
This never changes either. For any of us. We are finite beings living with infinite possibilities. Forever young. Stay excited.
What keeps you young, and makes you happy when you finish?
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Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.