America fell easily for the pandemic hoax, fostered on us by the bad people, people not to be trusted no matter what. Too many people trusting bad people. A whole lot of people have been harmed because America fell for this hoax, many died, many more will still die from it.
Yet this exposes us to their new kind of bullshit. Which if we are willing to learn, will be a good thing, at the cost of loss and suffering. That’s a big if though. America just fell so easily. Trusting government, deferring to so called “experts,” most choose to believe and obey predators.
Likely, as in I making a wild ass guess here, some people learned not to trust or listen to these criminals, too few though. Others fell in, comfortably submissive as a food animal for the bad people who farm and feast on their unquestioned obedience. They’re likely going to stay that way too.
As the glaring fraud of 2020 becomes growingly apparent, we need to use this experience to teach the lesson of not trusting the political class, and never Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs). Especially the Hive Media. They’ve lost the right to exist, in my way of things.
More attacks are coming. As the war wages, the people gain experience, and grow more willingn to call bullshit on bullshit. These are budding Americans, welcome home!
As for those newly devoted converts to the religion of covid-19, they’ve always been assholes anyway. So much for their “new normal.” Its the same old shit. Fuck ‘em all. All the way.
I sure do want to think we’re going to be harder to fool next time. We’ll find out soon enough.
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Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.