Having labored at length in both dominant political parties, here in America, the Democrat party and the Republican party, my last contact being Senior Staff, Media, Bush/Qualye ‘88, I have a life time of interest and involvement in domestic politics in America.
As a first generation college graduate, graduating with a Bachelors of Arts, Law and Society, School of Public Affairs, The American University, Washington, D.C., I crossed from the working “class” society into the “professional” society.
Always identified as a talent, always, I was expected to “go far” and “do great things.” And I am. But what I am doing though great, isn’t’ what many foresaw for me. In fairness, neither did I, nor could we. That’s what it is to lead. You don’t find out where you’re going until after you’ve gotten there. Right now, we’re still on our way. To America.
As for noise for the masses, we heard the Demo(n)crats last week, lots of mouth farting that appealed to those programmed to favor that stink of sulfur. Evil in every way, I’ve got acquaintances who find my assessment highly offensive. Too fucking bad. It is what it is. Sulfurous.
This week we’ve got the Republican(‘t)s with their show of propaganda, also mouth farting things that do make sense, from people who I do believe, believe what they are saying. I belittle the effort not on its merits, but its inevitable conclusion: party control of elected offices. Most of what will be said by the Republican Convention will be solid, sensible advice and observation, but none of it matters because we’ll still have party government, not civilian government. PEG control, not American.
Until and unless America’s elected seats of power are held by Americans, and not political party operatives, American will continue to be owned and operated by the Progressive Establishment Globalists. PEGs for short.
I think Donald Trump wins this election; I don’t see how he can loose it honestly, nor how the Demo(n)crats can manage to steal it with impunity. They’re trying, but I look forward to Lame Duck Donald. (And I want credit for the first one to say that!) Lame Duck Donald (LDD) will be without question, the real dude. I’m concerned he’s in the bag for mandatory vaccines, a deep cover turncoat. Its my job to see things that way. LDD, my apologies if I’ve called you wrong.
Wasted votes, pointless elections.
Because the choices for election are screened by the two parties in America, our votes, these elections, are largely a waste of time. Voting for anyone from Yale, or other PEG hives, and PEG want-ta-bees, political operatives loyal to their political party, NOT America, what’s the point when they get elected? None.
I love that Donald Trump wins election, and BOOM he gets done stuff these posing conservatives have promised for years to do. These filthy lying theiving conservative “think tanks.” Bullshit! Donald Trump isn’t even a conservative. He’s a Democrat of my grand parent’s era. A Democrat in the style of JFK. Donald Trump has gotten done what they always promised to do, but never would.
He does this with the entire Establishment system trying to kill him—he still kicks their asses. Love it. One guy since Ronald Reagan, who’s not faking the system in service to PEGs, to be PEG. So yeah, electing Demo(n)crats or Republican(‘t)s, it doesn’t matter, regardless of what they say. They only serve PEG objectives.
That’s how is seems. I do not know, but so far, that’s my best guess. Best guesses are all we got in life anyway. We never really know, we just feel as if we do.
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump’s time in office shows just how corrupt and lying these people are, the political class, the PEGs. Criminals all. All the noise made to “support this” and “support that” and the whole time, its a money grab, while keeping us from the way things need to be.
Betrayal revealed! That’s what they hate most about Donald Trump, he reveals the frauds that they have always been.
Meanwhile, regular folks like myself, we do what we can. Individuals fighting organized crime. They’re wining.
So we need to organize too, as Americans. Not ideology, just simple competence.
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.