The fog of ideology: the unwillingness to question one’s beliefs, and the categorical need to be certain, entitled and in control. We convince ourself that certainty, entitlement and control are secured by fidelity to our ideology. Especially when it is not.
That’s the fog part, denial. Followed with warfare on reality and innocence. Look at the Demo(n)crat cities. Willful incompetence is the essence of evil.
Ego is a huge factor in this, our hard-wired “Godhood” poser, built into cognitive life as an instinctual start to mental cognition. BIOS for us nerds. Ego assumes Godhood, and demands all of to existence serve and worship it. Ego pump NOW!
Like love, hate, anger, desolation, ego is an emotion. But an emotional charge that tries to dominate, all the time. An important asset of Ego is the emotion of knowledge. Yeah, knowledge is an emotion too. Knowledge is not experience and understanding. The emotion of knowledge is what brings us to conclude that we are:
- certain,
- entitled,
- in control.
Wanting these to the point of NEEDING these, we wed ourselves to this “knowledge” now gathered into an ideology, and consider the mysteries of “reality solved and understood.” We’ve got this!
Wrong. Denied!
What happens next?
Broken society, guided by the pandering bad people, the Progressive Establishment Globalists, attack everyone who does not accept the lies of the progressive war effort. Blood will be shed.
I say this because these people are smaller than their lies.
How do you change that?
You don’t. You write these people off, or suffer your own demise. If they choose not to value Americanism, that is their choice to make, not our duty to reverse. They are lost. Just don’t get taken out by them.
What then, is better than that?
Americanism. Truth. What’s real, not what is promoted as real.
If we win, and Americanism survives, then the world will be a better place. But that’s not easy to do. We are fighting people who already kill their own children—as a virtue—so don’t plan on them learning from their mistakes, or not coming for you, to kill you. They are, they will.
These are evil people. Be ready, and end them when they come for you and yours. That’s the only way. Sorry. These are their choices, not ours. Let’s hope it never gets to where this even makes sense. But if it does, recognize it.
There isn’t an America, without Americans.
Clarity, unity, action.
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.