Making A Living?


Yep, that’s a question. Thanks to Progressive Establishment Globalist (PEGs)—acts of war—the economy in many sectors is wrecked. Even teachers are injured—not from covid-19, but the bullshit built around it.

I have neighbors who are hurt by PEG bullshit. From chefs to property owners, everyone seems to be loosing their net worth, for nothing except made up bullshit.

We are in World War Three. PEGs are our active enemy.

As for myself, I can live on very little, so I’m less affected, but I am affected, and many of my smaller sources of work are gone. Most of those I normally deal with do not have a reliable income anymore. Small business especially is crushed.

The rule of lies. That’s what this is. Evil.

Good news though, the world is larger than us, and there are lots of Americans. We’re a minority of the people, but there are lots of people. My daily life now is to find and acquaint myself with fellow Americans. This is the time for clarity, unity and action. If we don’t fight the lies, we lose.

Finding fellow Americans is aided by the hoaxes:

  • Antifa, not-American.
  • BLM, not-American.
  • Demo(n)crat, not-American.
  • Republican(‘t), not-American.
  • Pants down, not-American.
  • Face diaper, not-American.

Boom, look at all that time saved. We are that rare a person, and have been all along, only now, it is very apparent. The only thing that’s changed by these PEG hoaxes is our awareness of how few of us there really are.

Preposterous isn’t it? Me saying there are so few Americans. Me asserting that in order to be an American, you have to reject and distance yourself from lies, embrace un-embellished reality, trust in God beyond your ability to see and understand. Crazy, huh? Who am I, that I can insist on such things? An American, that’s who. 🙂

There isn’t an America, without Americans.

Clarity, unity, action.

Don’t fail where it counts.

Stay American.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.

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