Life, like the price of things, is of no consideration when you find yourself either very cash rich, or very cash poor. In my case, there is little for me to do just now, other than what can be done with a keyboard, and good Internet connection. (Which is a lot.) I’ve got surplus time on my hands, that I get to use on new things.
Entrepreneurship arises out of the requirement to do new things, when the “old” things are not practical, or possible. Creativity on maximum, consequences in full report, stewing on the evils of the human defaults, grateful not to be that way myself, when I’m able to notice.
What remains is pressed into service, to get us to what comes next. And for the sake of enjoying the effort, we carry through the day. We get to do that. We get to enjoy being someone we respect, even though we are surrounded by fools and foolery, and malevolent social engineering.
If this is vague, I write it so, like a song lyric that relates to one’s diverse life. Societal bullshit is raging, but as an American, my only inconvenience is the obstinate stupidity of not-Americans, who I avoid anyway. 🙂
- Governments are criminal organizations.
- Organized for the purpose of playing God.
- In service to the establishment/aristocracy.
- Media is owned and operated by the same establishment/aristocracy.
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.