I do not trust government figures any more than I trust what Hive Media calls “news.” But here is an updated report from the CDC, regarding covid-19, pay attention to The Infection Fatality Ratio (IFR). “The Infection Fatality Ratio (IFR) has been added to Table 1 as a new parameter value for disease severity, replacing the Symptomatic Case Fatality Ratio and the Symptomatic Case Hospitalization Ratio.” (emphasis added):
COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios Updated July 10, 2020
There is no pandemic.
Horowitz: The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate. Where is the media?
Yet, you’re required to play along, required to be evil, to get along in today’s society. And if you’re not willing to do that, the “pretender” hordes will attack you for not pretending. They can’t compete with reality, so it is important that people deny it. Sound familiar?
PEG: “Progressive Establishment Globalist”
As an American, being willfully incompetent, being evil, is not an option. The governments in America are outlawing Americanism. So they have to go.
Mandated masks are a pivotal battle in our civil war for America.
Evil looks the same, no matter the people doing it. Calling a group Nazis, is really to say they are doing what Nazis did, not so much that they are the very same people. The Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs) out shine the Nazis with their horrific accomplishment of abortion practices. Building on that success, PEGs are upping their game, and moving onto herd management of all people, everywhere. They are to rule us, for our own good, of course.
What I observer is typical. Those who are doing the wrong, label others with the label for their wrong, while claiming the label of what they are not. Like criminals calling police criminal. Abortionist calling pro-life people hateful of women. Progressives calling free people selfish. Liars lie. But good luck getting an acknowledgment of that from a liar. Truth hurts the liar, so they deny it. To the end of all things.
Reality is what it is, regardless of what you think it is, or want it to be. This is my second rule of irrefutable understanding. The first rule being “There are no exceptions.” Reality is our contact with God. Reality is perfect. So it is important to check your experience and understanding of reality, lest you find yourself in a bit and fit of schizophrenia. Or worse, ego driven ideology.
Gaslighting is when people manipulate folks into questioning reality. Gaslighting is a tool of psychological warfare. The purpose is to break sanity, and control the target. This goes beyond typical deception and manipulation, into the theater of deception and manipulation.
A friend of mine recently shared that he feels like he’s going crazy. I explained no, he’s not, the world is insane, and they are trying to gaslight the rest of us. There is no pandemic, the measures in effect are political machinations, not health related measures, and we’ve been in civil war for some time now.
Somehow, I don’t think that was completely reassuring, but it did dispel the gaslighting bubble. We’ve been at war, with the bad people—PEGs, but only recently have they taken final measures to complete their campaigns against us, and rule the world as farmers farm cattle. Moo.
Agreeing to a lie is to surrender your sanity and self determination. So don’t. If you have, own it, reject the lie, the truth will set you free again.
The Demented Hordes of the Land of America.
Our society is so broken with lies and ego driven ideology, here are a few recent examples, that in spite of overwhelming evidence that these are lies, remain strong in society.
“Russian collusion.”
After years or organized lying, by the Democrats, Hive Media and deep state subversives, PEG operatives all, this fiasco has concluded as a hoax. But it is still a rallying cause for ego driven ideologists who for their own reasons, hate Donald Trump.
And they’ve paid no price for this socially destructive hoax. Free to carry on, and try some more, they are doing just that.
An added benefit is that they’ve softened up society to adopting their own parts in a social lie. This boosts the effectiveness of the pandemic hoax.
“Hands up don’t shoot.”
That’s the lie still touted by people who just won’t quit their lie. Ego driven ideologists insist that Michael Brown was an innocent attacked by a white police officer just for being black, being murdered by this white police officer.
The facts are Michael Brown needed to die just then, because he was on a crime spree, attempting to kill the responding officer, who was responding to a reported crime, and attacked by Michael Brown. There was never any hands up. Never any hands up don’t shoot. That piece of shit Michael Brown was trying to kill the responding officer, who happened to be white, by the way.
Liars lie. Ego driven ideologists.
“Biden is not senile.”
More in-your-face lying that is too ridiculous to believe, yet you’re expected to acquiesce to it, or suffer horde violence. PEG operatives putting the hit on you for even mentioning it. Uh huh. Joe Biden is a piece of poo, who is also senile. That’s how corrupt the two party nomination process happens to be.
But Bernie Saunders is okay with that; he’s getting paid.
“Pilgrim it’s a long way, to find out who you are.”
Jesus wasn’t concerned with surviving his crucifixion. He knew he wouldn’t. What about you? Everybody dies. Jesus lived. Who won in that confrontation? Jesus did. The Romans lost by killing him.
What would have happened, had Jesus decided to be “practical?” By practical, I mean submit to lies. Lies are never practical. Dying was practical, because the people were (still are) evil. Look at what happened.
Jesus cared more about the people than himself. A requisite trait of being an American. A trait familiar to those who serve.
I have no intention of surviving this thing, so I’m not worried about it. With that settled, its then a matter of fighting when and where I can, as well as I can. For as long as I can. Fuck death, I’m concerned with life right now, and the PEGs are killing us. So I fight.
People committed to doing wrong, are not interested in doing right. So we have to fight. PEGs are our enemy. NOPEGs!
So do you, if you are to be an American. Call yourself what you want, labels don’t mean anything. If you are to BE an American, then you have to BE an American.
Join me in this. Civilian America is the organization I’ve started to spearhead this effort. There is no America without Americans. Let’s go! Civilian America will only grow with your help, I’m already doing the little that I can do. Together we will build America: https://civilianamerica.com
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.
One way leads to diamonds,
One way leads to gold,
Another leads you only
To everything you’re
In your heart you wonder
Which of these is true,
The road that leads to nowhere,
The road that leads to you.
“Pilgrim it’s a long way, to find out who you are.” For me, this is the song of life itself. “The road that leads to you.” God bless you Enya.