The trouble with lying is that it owns you, and whoever manages the narrative of the lie, manages you. That sums up my experience of High School. Which I left high school early to start college. When I say left, it was an expulsion from public school, by way of a GED. They expelled me that way to keep their statistics clean.

I was born in the fall of 1962, and spent my childhood in the heights of our last age grand bullshit, the sixties. Everything fake, and society still new to the new bullshit, it hadn’t yet gained immunities that require experience to obtain. Fortunately for me, born into it, I got extra savvy about the ways of societal bullshit. By the mid-seventies, I didn’t even care for television any more. The hard-core social programming apparent to prepubescent me.

My fiction culture of choice at that time was Catholicism, though not really even that. I had one Salesian tell me years later, that in all his career, I was the most hopeless case he had ever seen. High praise to my ears. He was astounded by being wrong, that at that point I had further outgrown the bullshit by which I was living, a juvenile petty thief. By my mid-teens I broke from that, not wanting to be hurtful, wanting to be protective instead. I still hate those who hurt the innocent. I see no reason to change. 🙂
Looking for where I could belong, I did all sorts of laudable things. I have always only ever been alone, and I don’t like it. Yet from organization to organization, I still found the collectives reducing to an unacceptable level of bullshit, by which they still failed in life. Failings I did not care to share in. Namely, the motivation behind most people is to be something they cannot be, to be someone they are not. Also known as bullshit. The Church, politics, education, civic organizations, and business/work. Lots of saying one thing publicly, then in the nitty gritty of doing good work, do something else short of your public acclaim. Fake. Bullshit. No thanks.
I did have stellar mentors over time, who kept me on a path of reality, themselves being truthful oddities in these collectives of bullshit. These mentors lived up the the organizational purposes, faithful to their promised causes, contrasting the organizational practices that fell inexcusably short of organizational purpose. Those mentors saved my life, showing me that yes, there are such people, called Americans.
And that’s what I’ve come to find, this is where I belong. America. With Americans. Where truth is comforting, and lies are repulsive. I left for good, not-American society, where lies are comforting and truth is repulsive. I’ve traded the not-American tyranny of lies, for the American liberties of truth.
Only now, the not-American liars are trying to force Americans into a servitude of lies, on pain of death by government. The US Constitution is explicitly designed to stop this. We are at war. They are to die, not us.
Civil War.
The choice is to grovel and serve lies/fiction culture, or live freely and sincerely. That’s it. Those are the two choices in life. Ego driven ideology ☹, or Americanism. 🙂
The bad people, the Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs) are attempting to force us into servitude to their lies. It is an open act of war on us, from which we have to defend ourselves, or perish as Americans. Lies are limitless, without restrictions. And they never satisfy, because they are never real. If they were real, they wouldn’t be lies. Even the pandemic:
Horowitz: The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate. Where is the media?
These folks are lying about everything, the pandemic, systemic racism, gender fluidity, abortion, government benevolence, private philanthropy. All of it is a lie. They are about farming us, that’s it. They presume the position to do so, because of their “wealth and influence.” Uh huh.
Its politics, and politics are always about doing the wrong thing.
As an American, I don’t social distance, I don’t wear a mask, I don’t worry about mythical dangers—I pay attention to real dangers—the attack on me and mine, these PEG fuckers trying to mandate insanity for the sake of their dominance of us. Attacks are defended.
Our greatest weapon is to spread the word, the truth, about their pervasive lying. Hive Media has to die. Corporate collaborators have to die. Government arrogance has to die. How do we kill them? Dissolve their corporations, public domain their intellectual properties, revoke their broadcast licenses. That’s a start. Fuck ‘em all. The price of attacking Americans.
Without cost, they are free to keep doing this, and will keep doing this. With cost, we are safer, by way of our vigilance and their destruction.

Most of all, the Democrat party, the very same people who split this country last time, need to die. The Republicans too, modern day complicit fucks. Die fuckers, die.
Until and unless Americans are elected into public office, governments will continue to serve the interests of the Progressive Establishment Globalists, against their duty to the American people. Evil reigns when good people let bad people rule. Like what we’ve got right now.
Join me in this. Civilian America is the organization I’ve started to spearhead this effort. There is no America without Americans. Let’s go! There’s not much there yet, but together, we will build America:
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.