People are starting to figure out that the covid-19 pandemic is a lie. Hive Media and their constant harping lies are loosing their credibility, their effectiveness. But subverted government is pushing harder with this lie. Those folks have always know it was a lie. They are advancing their destruction of civil society.
Its real folks.
Digital ID, bitches!
I’m glad to see the World Economic Forum puts itself online. It gives us a hit list, a good start on recovery. These folks, as mentioned repeatedly, are after digital tagging, registration and tracking of people (human cattle), and the covid-19 hoax is the pretext of doing this. They’re public about this. Hive Media is owned and operated by the the Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs), so you’re not going to see push-back on this from Hive Media, but encouragement to “register” and comply.
Here are the specifics:
“Polite” society falls for this, as they themselves are so completely full of shit. As Americans there’s nothing polite about us. Nothing impolite either. More like: “Fuck me? Fuck you.” Its like that, and we say so. Calling bullshit is a core characteristic of Americanism. We abide truth.
I love cops, because they are professional bullshit callers. 🙂 Cops are the first Americans. That’s why they and we are so hated by the bad people, the subverted government and their progressive minions. Our enemies.
Biological Immunity.
The way our immunity system works, is when we are exposed to something new, our immunity system hacks it, defeats it, and remembers it there after. Thus the word: immunity. It means you had it, beat it, and don’t have to worry about it again. God makes this so, not experts. Fuck you experts. Our social harm is made possible by people’s stupid, blind trust of “experts.”
- In order for immunity to occur, you have to be exposed.
- In order to prevent immunity from occurring, you have to prevent exposure.
Prevention is the wrong course of action. It disrupts immunity.
Which do you suppose government apparatchiks are trying to do? There won’t be a second wave, we’ve not had the first wave. They are dragging this out, to lie about it, continuing to steal our lives from us. When you figure this out, you need to call bullshit on the whole thing. You have to join our confrontation of these lying liars.
So yeah, people are catching on, but catching government liars doesn’t’ mean they’re going to stop. They’ll keep going because they’re pretty sure no one is able to stop them, even if they wanted to. Are they right?
Sweden, more American than America!
Sweden told the world to go fuck itself, regarding this hoax lockdown bullshit, and they’re doing great. Better in fact than those fool countries, like America, who accepted the hoax and shutdown. Looks like Sweden is onto the evilness of Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs).

I’d like to think America is onto PEGs too, but alas, there are too few Americans in America, to accurately call it America. We should call this country: Democrat/Republican cattle ranch, not America. Moo you fucking cattle, moo. Chewing their Hive Media cud. So good! There is no America without Americans. As you see.
So don’t think that “they” are going to learn, and correct themselves. Folks, they’re hoaxing us from the start, there isn’t any revelation, they’ve always known it is a lie. Like most criminals, they’re sticking with their story.
We have to stop them, or they won’t stop. You and me have to stop them.
Unite or Die.
Government’s only means of persuasion is to kill you. (Or are there no examples of this?) We need to network, plan, act. Even so far as voting goes, elections being frauds, they do give us an occasion to unite and build as Americans.
This is it. Many people never get this chance to prove and assert themselves as Americans. We do—we have to.
Sign up, hit me in the comments, share your own thoughts. Even if you think I am wrong.
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.
I’d like you to watch this video on Casey Anthony. This is typical of the kinds of people we are dealing with. I have a lifetime of personal experience with this sort of person, from many walks of life:
It also illustrates what the legal system is all about. Hurting the innocent, protecting the guilty. I have lots of personal experience with these sorts of folks too.