The True Divide
As an American, I do not pander to bullshit, do bullshit, cooperate with bullshit, or live and let bullshit. That’s the price of Americanism, personal integrity no matter what. That’s the benefit of Americanism too, personal integrity no matter what.
“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” Mark 8:26 NIV
In case that helps.
What this means in everyday living, is that I want nothing to do with bad people. People not Americans. Which is unfortunately, most people. So no, there is no “we” here, there is us and them. Americans, and not-Americans.
The Establishment is overwhelmingly not-American. Progressive Establishment Globalists are emphatically not-American. Government, non-profit organizations, major corporations, many lesser corporations, all of media, nearly all of academia, the legal industry, organized religion, and others, none of these are American because they live and die by way of bullshit. Thus not-American. I want nothing to do with you. We are not friends. We are never going to be friends. I’m good with that.
Evil. Because not-Americans are evil. I define evil as willfully incompetent. Incompetence is unavoidable when starting something new, but then you learn. But if you’re not willing to learn and make excuses, bullshit, then that’s evil and not American. I want nothing to do you. If you’re not willfully incompetent, they you might be an American, and we might be friends.
Apologetic. Because not-Americans accept bullshit and protect it. What’s wrong in the world is that people protect bullshit, denying reality itself. Making excuses as to why they have to live a lie. Always a fail, never productive, evil. I want nothing to do with you. If you call bullshit on bullshit, they you might be an American, and we might be friends.
EDI. Because not-Americans are ego driven ideologists. When your God posing ego has you committed to fantasy beliefs about life, ideology, for the sake of insane certainty, entitlement and control, until you cancel your commitment to that life of lies, we cannot be friends. You are destructive to yourself and all around you. If you are not an ego driven ideologist, then you might be an American, and we might be friends.
PEG. This is the way of Progressive Establishment Globalists. Not-Americans are either chattel or chattel farmers, both are not-American. Chattel being slave property. When you are led by your ego into ideological servitude, contrary to reality, you are nothing more than a farmed animal. Likewise, if you foster and accommodate people living ego driven ideological servitude, you are exploiting them, you are a farmer of slavery, not-American. Not at all! Neither of these are American, or anyone I want contact with, and I’m definitely not cooperating with you. If you are neither chattel, or a chattel operator/farmer, then you might be an American, and we might be friends.
The point in all of this, is that in the interest of self-preservation and peace of mind, I choose not to affiliate with dangerous, chaotic people, people not-American. So no, we are not all in this together. No, I am not going to work with you on anything, except becoming an American, and then maybe. There are lots of posers.
Forcing me to affiliate with you, let’s rephrase that, attempting to force me to affiliate with you, ends badly for you. Affiliating with you ends badly for me. I can see why you’d need the cooperation of Americans, as we are the producers not-Americans have come to rely on for getting stuff done. That’s why we have nothing to do with you. Do your own work, leave us alone.
You can do without me, if that is your choice. I’m not worth it. Sorted. I’ll stick to my own kind, you stick to yours.
Do no evil.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.