A core difference between Americanism and Progressive Establishment Globalism (PEG) is our use of mistakes. Americans do not fear mistakes, but learn from them, that is their value to us. PEGs though, they use the fear of mistakes to trap and control people who are ego drive ideology (EDI), and that is their value to PEGs.
When I say EDIs are ego driven ideology, I mean they live according to what their ego demands of their made up story by which they live their lives, their fiction culture. Because their lives are fiction, a huge mistake, they are frightened and controlled by the revelations of mistakes. Their lives are lies, and they know it.
This is the power of the mistake.
Saving face matters when you live by lies. To Americans, it is nonsensical.
“White lies” are a virtue to PEGs. All lies are blasphemous to Americans, as reality is the work of God.
Perfection is impossible to PEGs and EDIs. Perfection describes normal for Americans.
PEGs/EDIs require agreement, consensus from everyone. Americans require simple competence.
PEGs/EDIs say they make their own reality. American say that reality is what it is, regardless of what we think it is, or want it to be.
PEGs/EDIs says that for every rule, there is an exception. Americans realize there are no exceptions.
PEGs/EDIs believe that perception is reality. Americans have learned that experience and understanding are still at best, only coincidental to reality, which is still what it is, regardless of what we think it is, or want it to be.
PEGs/EDIs believe that knowledge is power. Americans recognize the knowledge is just an emotion, the emotion of religion, not experience and understanding.
PEGs/EDIs are very religious, dogmatically religious. Americans are spiritual, trusting beyond their ability to see and understand.
PEGs/EDIs are believers, needing and holding certainty, entitlement and control. Americans are faithful to their bewilderment, trusting in the benevolence of their creation, the gift of just being here. Americans do not know, are entitled to nothing, and can only control their choices, sometimes not even that.
This goes on for a very very long time. Add your examples in the comments. Let’s cut to machinations!
“There are God’s chosen, their holy marks evident to all, to whom all must bow, serve and worship—without question! Then there are the rest of you, here to bow, serve and worship God’s chosen, you know, people without freckles.”
Ha! But there are those who consider themselves superior, thus entitled to farm the “lessers.” They call themselves the elite, but so what? All non-Americans do. Progressive Establishment Globalists and Ego Driven Ideologies have a need to be different. They reject themselves. This need is the basis of true racism, class-ism, tribalism, fascism. Lots of isms here. But not Americanism.
Fostering the default lives of people, where people make up stories to explain what they cannot see or understand, people farmers—PEGs—promote these archetypes in media, through entertainment, sports, religion. EDIs eat it up, seeing what is promoted as esteemable , needing that esteem because they are insecure about themselves (they do not yet realize they are perfect as made by God), and so aspire to those archetypes, the idea of being something they are not.
That is the trap! The impossible dream. EDIs spend the rest of their lives chasing that ideology. To be an archetype they choose as “it.” The greatest danger in their lives is to be found out. Meanwhile, Americans have their wits and the time of day. They are who they are effortlessly, and the concept of being an archetype is legitimately non-nonsensical.
To further the power of mistakes, pile them on! Social mistakes, like gay marriage, gender fluidity, abortion isn’t murder, white privilege, it takes a village to raise a child, we are all the same, from each according to their ability—to each according to their need, Democrats are Americans, Republicans are Americans, all religions, all dogmas, all of academia, I’m from the government and I’m here to help you, I’m from big-corporation and I’m here to help you, identity affiliation, identity affiliation, identity affiliation…
See what I’m getting at here? Bullshit abounding. One lie to control them all, archetype. Lots of lies to secure it, political ideology. Thus the ancient term: mea culpa.
This is living by default. It is natural to be an ego driven ideologist. You have to out grow it. You aren’t an American until you do. Out grow ego and ideology, and embrace what is real: No one knows anything. No one is entitled to anything. No one controls anything.
The difference between Americans and EDIs, is that Americans accept these facts, and EDIs reject them. We are all members of God’s creation, here to live our lives back to God, and the process of doing so is to be here as God made us, and pursue what we care about. Americans are doing that; EDIs are too busy trying to be something they are not.
Americanism is super-natural living.
There’s no profit in Americanism for PEG exploiters though, so PEG exploiters foster the lies, the mistakes, the incompetencies, for farming purposes. EDIs lap it up.
World War Three
We have a dramatic escalation of lies in PEG controlled culture, hive media, the two latest involving guilt and mortality. Presuppositions to God powers for the PEGs.
Guilt involves the dominance of blacks in crime statistics. Not all blacks, just youngish black males, are overwhelmingly responsible for criminality. And only a small minority of them.
Most youngish black males are not that way. Lots of youngish white males are also responsible for the rest of criminality. I was one of them, and still consider myself a criminal, having been one. So what? I am now an American, not the fuck-tard ego driven ideologist I used to be. Like my black fellows, I aged out of it. (Besides, I’m freckled. Now worship me!)
Racism, white privilege, police brutality, fuck you. The Democrat party is the party of all of these, and they’ve got the EDIs stacked up working their plantation. Demonic isn’t a stretch. Republicans are re-purposed to waste the efforts of those who work to stop these abuses of society. Both are PEG properties, like the rest of the public spaces. Electing Republicans is a waste too, as they are PEGs. Elections in “America” are utterly, wholly corrupt. They have been all our lives. This time though, I’m voting for Donald Trump. He’s hated by both parties, my kind of American. Fuck the parties.
Covid-19 as a pandemic is the other grand lie. The other presupposition to God powers for the PEGs. Because most people believe this lie, PEGs now control EVERYTHING, to the peep. EDIs being the farm animals of PEGs. They are lost, but we Americans are just outnumbered. Same as always.
Our weapon to kill these fuckers is information. My specialty. 🙂 If you’ve not read my work on violence, do so now: Violence We are to kill the bad in people, unless they attack us, which they are doing, at which point we kill them outright. Law enforcement 101. Fuck the politicians. On me.
Reality is less scary to deluded EDIs then their own ideology. Let’s change that. Wake them up. These are the only ways we can help them, though most are lost.
The Beast versus God.
This is the war:
- The Beast of biblical prophecy, mark-of-the-beast face diapers and all.
- God and God’s creation.
The ONLY thing wrong with the world, is us. By us, I mean PEGs/EDIs. Not Americans. Ego driven ideology. Man-God complex. AKA: “The Beast.”
Reality is perfect. Perfection is normalcy. Americans have come to learn this, out growing their ego driven ideology, and embracing spiritual life. But like the matrix in the movie, “The Matrix,” you can’t be told what that is. You have to see it for yourself. The Matrix is a perfect metaphor for ego driven ideology.
Take the red pill, bitches. 🙂 Words fail, as nothing in language is real, they’re just words. Only experience leads to understanding, and experience only happens from action. Start by calling bullshit on bullshit. Hesitant? It because you’re self-implicating yourself. The truth though, is freedom. No more lies.
Don’t fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.
Unfortunately, Steve Cash killed himself about a year later, to the day. Probably got labeled as a Covid-19 death. The social circumstances though, the covid-19 hoax, has killed lots of people due to the God power assumptions of the PEGs, the belittlement of our US Constitutional rights, and the pervasive corruption of society, the EDI animals.
World War Three.