The 666 Lie. (Face Masks)

Action C-Suite Civil War 2020 Cognition Dollars and Sense Fundamentals Policy

Hi all. I don’t wear a mask for four reasons:

  1. There isn’t any stopping the spread of viruses, covid-19 or any of the many others you don’t hear poop about. Social distancing is bullshit too. Social distancing and masks are not making any difference. Catching the stupid virus is how herd immunity works, and has always worked. There is nothing new here, except a psychological operation against the well being of people the world.
  2. Masks don’t work to protect you at large, see above. But they do re-enforce a social acceptance of government domination.
  3. I do not accept and will not participate in a lie. This is the political reason for mandating masks. To soften you up for what’s next, mandatory vaccines, electronic tagging, surveillance and tracking. The Beast is here.
  4. This is the mark of the beast. It is here folks. I’m not wearing it. Fuck you. Just look at the demonic hard selling of it all. And the futility. Its not about the virus.

This pandemic hoax is for political purposes. Look at what it has done. China won. Stop the hoax now.


But what? Trump wore a mask? So what? The CDC says to wear a mask? So what? Everyone else is wearing a mask? So what? See my reasons above. The CDC doesn’t know shit, and they are completely political. Fuck the government, they lie with impunity. Fuck the media, they lie with relish and impunity. I trust nature, not mankind. We are not God.

The greatest tell that this was a hoax from the very start, was the spontaneous, united global acclimation that it is “for real.” Liars lie, and those were all liars. Hive media owned and operated by Progressive Establishment Globalists. PEGs. That, and the fact that these people, PEGs, published their plans for just EXACTLY what’s happening here and now. They published it as far back as ten years ago. You haven’t heard that either, have you? It is a conspiracy, but no theory:

Rockefeller Foundation keeps working on their autocratic Lock Step scenario Originating from the Rockefeller Foundation.

COVID-19’s legacy: This is how to get the Great Reset right World Economic Forum. “The Great Reset.” Its a thing.

There are many more examples, none of which are mentioned, at all, by hive media.

This is biblical. Forcing people to wear a mask is forcing people to wear the mark of the beast. Fuck you, I am not going to do it. Amazing! Rioters are left free to riot, but don’t wear a mask and it’s your ass! Bring it, fuckers.

Hearken back if you will, a short time ago, when all you heard was “new normal.” That’s what’s up.

NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)

This is World War Three, Progressive Establishment Globalists are the enemy.

Don’t fail where it counts.

Be American. Stay American.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.

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