“What we have here, is a failure to capitulate.”
Establishment Globalists are using the Corona virus as a pretext to deceive the world’s population with: fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD). It means they are lying. There is a public-private cooperative organized to do just that, and this is what they are indeed doing. A presumptive command and control global governance of the entire world, through exploits of the mechanisms of “medical advice.” We were all lied to by the “experts.” Look for yourself:
How One Model Simulated 2.2 Million U.S. Deaths from COVID-19 Bill Gates uses these numbers in his video, also trying to associate himself and current subversive activities, with the past un-related successes of Polio and Smallpox vaccines. Oh, we never shut the world down for Polio or Smallpox.
So who are the so-called Establishment Globalists using medical excuses to destroy us? A start:
- COVID-19: Imperial researchers model likely impact of public health measures Imperial College London
- GLOBAL ISSUE COVID-19 World Economic Forum.
- Scenario Narratives, Lock Step, Page: 18 Rockefeller Foundation war-gamed scenario.
- United Nations, World Health Organization, Covid-19 Communist Chinese controlled Organization.
- SAGE Strategic Advisory Group of Experts, WHO, UN.
- Gavi The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations.
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Covid-19 (The Grand Master FUD’G himself.)
“…it is the vaccine that will allow us all to go back to normal.” Bill Gates is in the vaccine business. He built Microsoft (M$) by way of FUD, on viruses, computer viruses. I’ve been here the whole time, being a Microsoft customer pre-MSDOS. Historically speaking, Microsoft Windows has been broken on delivery, requiring more stuff to make it work, specifically, anti-virus protection. “Experts” making money from Microsoft Windows failures (willful incompetencies), meant “experts” would recommended Microsoft. And the public just accepted that criminality as okay, because they trusted their “experts.” This is classic Bill Gates. Covid-19 as a pandemic is a lie. The “experts” are getting paid. This global shutdown is a an act of war. The hive media is collusive in this act of war. We have been had. Establishment globalism is the ill that plagues us.
I define evil as willful incompetence, and this is evil. All of it. The push for “prevention” is their grab for market. Bill Gates is “making customers,” though I doubt Peter Drucker would approve. Making customers by preventing natural herd immunity—shutting down society no less—then offering an expensive, ineffective vaccine, and a “new normal” for regular annual mandatory vaccines. Licensed too, you’ve got to show your proof of vaccines. He’s says these things. WTF? Never trust pro-abortion advocates talking about saving lives:
International Planned Parenthood Federation Expands Programs With $1.7 Million Gift From Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation What’s funny is you won’t find the word abortion on this page, even though that’s what this is specifically about. Evil.
America is under attack, from enemies foreign and domestic. Establishment Globalists. Don’t fail where it counts. Or maybe this is just a “Great Right Wing Conspiracy Theory?” Maybe I made those sites up. Maybe the world hasn’t been shutdown by way of medical fraud. The conspiracy isn’t “right wing” but progressive establishment globalism, and its no theory.
What choice do we have regarding the flu viruses?
Note: viruses. You don’t hear poop about the others, do you? All blame is attributed to covid-19, in support of lying about it being a pandemic. Liars lying, to us, destroying our peaceful society. What are our choices regarding viruses?
Nature provides >the< answer, our immune system. Its not like viruses are new, we’ve always had viruses, and we’ve always gained immunities to them. Even the Spanish Influenza.
“Yeah, but we could die!” Yeah, but you will die. Of something. We all die. Too bad. Chances are, you’ll not even know you were sick. People die from getting vaccines too. How about that?
Man-Gods provide a vaccine. (I say Man-God mockingly, but there are those, Establishment Globalists, who consider themselves no less than that.) They provide a vaccine, but for what? Ever wonder how many flu viruses there are (that we know about)? Have a look:
There are hundreds of flu viruses, which tend to mutate, such is the life of viruses, and they have always been like this. Covid-19 is JUST another flu virus, not special. Regarding a vaccine however, vaccines fight the last virus, not the current virus. Man-Gods would love to sell you endless vaccines, but none of them are necessary, and none of them work against any other viruses.
Getting a flu vaccine can protect against flu viruses that are like the viruses used to make vaccine. Information about this season’s vaccine can be found at Preventing Seasonal Flu with Vaccination. Seasonal flu vaccines do not protect against influenza C or D viruses. In addition, flu vaccines will NOT protect against infection and illness caused by other viruses that also can cause influenza-like symptoms. There are many other viruses besides influenza that can result in influenza-like illness (ILI) that spread during flu season. (from the CDC link above)
Hundreds of flu viruses, that we even know about. They hard sell the “unknown virus plauge” of which they still cannot prevent, nor protect anyone from. Let’s not forget bacterial infections:
Healthcare-associated Infections
Nature provides immunities to those too. Mostly. These dangers are here, and have always been here, but since the bad-people-Man-Gods choose Covid-19 to make money and gain power, you don’t here much about the them from their hive media propagandists.
The Man-Gods approach, under the pretext of medicine, has gotten them pseudo-God powers over you, from an undeserved—and now shattered—credibility of the “medical community.” Uh, for your own good, of course! Sure.
I choose Natural Immunity over Man-Gods’ vaccine scheme. But can I? Man-Gods say “nay nay!”
What choices do we have regarding the governance of America?
The United Nations Agenda 21 subversion has pushed their ideas to local governments, with local government operatives, UN friendlies, happy to take and integrate these Agenda 21 practices. This is a patient, quiet, long game operation. Planned and triggered by the covid-19 hoax, local governments are using the covid-19 pandemic lie to mandate things they have no standing to mandate, things that violate the US Constitution, thus illegal.
But the practice of legal is the realm of psychopathic corruption. Leave it to the specialness of an Ivy leaguer:
“Let me put it very clearly: you have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccinated. … And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.” Alan Dershowitz, Harvard law professor emeritus.
See, there are those subversives who claim the US Constitution does not protect you from omnipotent government, pretexted with a medical excuse. They’re damned wrong, but this is who they are, what they are saying, that by medical pretext they have God power over you and your life. Uh, no. Hell no. Governments in the United States of America are not the sovereigns, they are the servants. Americans are sovereign. What a fucking dummy.
This is Amendment Two territory. Emphatically so. To kill government when it tries this crap, which the Founding Fathers knew would happen. Its here.
Living in Tampa, Florida, minding my own business, the bad people aggress on me to conform to their commands. No. Hell no. These are not my governments; this is not their country.
There are no remedies in the legal system, as you see from the example above, they are the aggressors. There is no representation of Americans in government, only Democrats and Republicans (neither are Americans). The media is hive aggressive in forcing the covid-19 pandemic lie into everyone who’ll listen, so the lies go uncontested, and our concerns censored.
What choices then, do we have regarding the governance of America? Two:
- Capitulate and lose our country.
- Unite and destroy the subversives.
That’s it. I stand as an American, with my fellow Americans. I ask you to do the same. And Act. Start by speaking out against this subversion. Support folks like myself too. We are all we have. The rest really are out to get us.
What choices do we have in living our lives unmolested by others?
None. There are no choices to live unmolested by subversive government. War is on us. People committed to doing wrong, are not interested in doing right. So we have to fight.
We need to kill them. Yeah, that sounds bad, but it is that bad. Besides, I’ve got a policy suggestion that can make this happen, without taking any life. No kidding. Killing yes, taking life, no. That’s my kind of slaying. And yeah, we’re on it: The Corporate Death Penalty. Boom! …grabs Montblanc… When I run again for office, this will be on my platform, along with many other badly needed policies.
Don’t fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.