When our life is eroded by destructive forces, hostilities, this erosion forces us into action, and we do one of three things. We pretend nothing is wrong. We adapt ourselves to the erosion of our life but call it a good thing. We find more within us—once challenged—and use these new founds resources to overcome the erosion of our life, which may or may not work, but we keep at it, adapting, overcoming. In a phrase, we muster up. Those are the three options when faced with hostility.
Pretending Nothing is Wrong
I put this first, because in my experience and understanding this is what most people do. Ideology after all, is believing that we make our “own” reality. Society is preemptively programmed to be this way. Our ideological crutch believing that no matter what, someone out there has got a handle on things, and we’re all okay.
There is a higher power, but it ain’t people. There are people who pose as saviors, but they are playing you, psychopathically. “Leaders,” in business, politics, religion, whatever, there are people who “fake it till they make it” all the way to the top. And because they fake it, they are incompetent, and chaos abounds.
The deepest subversion possible, in warfare, is to put an incompetent in charge, and pump ’em full of praise. The Establishment Globalists would have us believe this describes Donald Trump, but no, Donald Trump is mostly competent. Barrack Obama though, not at all. Or Hillary Clinton. Or Joe Biden.
The whole premise of ideology is to delude yourself and everyone else that you’re in control, nothing is wrong, but what is wrong is someone else’s fault. This describes exactly the lives of most people. Most people are never Americans. Never have been, never will be. They will not support us, but we do protect them just the same.
Accepting “Life Erosion” as a Good Thing
This gets us to Europe 2.0, what I call our current form of governments. With Establishment Globalist further breaking our charter of government, the US Constitution, which was itself compromised by Establishment Globalists when written, we have a logarithmic erosion of “civil liberties.” The governments are stealing an ever expanding (logarithmic) quantity of our lives for themselves, all in the names of prevention and social justice.
Taxes, regulations, and now outrageously criminal mandates to close small businesses, churches, arrest pastors, force people to stay apart and force people to wear mark-of-the-beast masks, all in the name of prevention, which in an eye’s blink you realize isn’t possible to do. On your face America!
Governments assume responsibilities they have no right to claim, and take liberties they have no right to take. This comprehensive expansion of government control arises out of an ideology of social justice. More ideological bullshit, presupposing the right to tell you what you have to do, and what you cannot do.
From social justice ideology, they impose additional absurdities of responsibility that are core myths of their ideology, like gender plurality, racial justice, safe spaces and communism.
Social justice is an additional ideological pretext to command and control all things, according to social justice mandates they made up. These have no basis in reality. Social justice is used to program the gullible. These psychopaths don’t give a shit about people, but they do like to rule.
Prevention is a lie, as is social justice. These are weaponized by Establishment Globalists to steal your life. And its working because we’re letting it succeed.
Most of society is socially programmed by Establishment Globalists institutions into accepting these things as a “new normal.” The very idea of which betrays the lies used to instigate these measures in the first place. A temporary crisis turns into a permanent confiscation of civil liberties. That, and the crisis was faked in the first place. Look at airport security. Always more.
Well I got news for those of you who choose to do this. Our liberties come from God, not the government. Our God given rights include the American duty to kill the governments when they do what they are doing right here, right now.
So there is normal: Americanism. Yes. And there is the “new normal”: Europe 2.0 herding the people into service as farm animals, by way of herd management. Hell no.
Most people just pretend nothing is wrong. A smaller portion of the people see something wrong, but in cowardice, choose to accept it as something good. These people become the collective force of ideologies, committed to ruin in maintaining their lies. It describes every communist and progressive I’ve ever met, and the legal system entirely. These are the minions we have to fight, in addition to Establishment Globalists.
Muster Up
Some of us, like me, when bullied, turn into absolute weapons of retaliation. I’m a natural born American. And a Libra. I’ve learned to enjoy it.
Abused badly as a small kid, as in tortured and likely raped, and no one caring about it, I learned early in life the realities of life, that it is a collective of predators feeding off of each other. Which it is. That’s life, reality, and it is perfect.
In order to survive, I had to get real fucking smart, and ultra-predacious myself. Which I am. And alpha-predator rule number one is to stick with what is real, no matter what. Pretending nothing is wrong gets you mangled and killed. Accepting life erosion as a good thing gets you mangled and killed. Muster up, or die. I choose to muster.
And this is the American way. Boot camps the world over are harsh for just this reason. They release depths of character you didn’t realize were there, until you had to use them. Crisis are occasions of growth, not distress, though the growth does necessarily come from distress. Warriors find comfort and anticipation in these challenges, not submission. Warriors are among the first of Americans.
So today, on the birthday of America as Europe 2.0, I encourage Americans to muster up, and protect our ability to even live. There is no America without Americans. The bad people have gone too far, and its about time they did. God has blessed us with war, and I thank God for it.
Let’s do this thing. Visit Civilian America and join. We are public about this too. This isn’t a Soviet Trust operation, it is Americans protecting America from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Psychopaths cannot, do not pledge oaths, they are pathological liars. Do not listen to them. They are not your superiors, the citizens are. We are your pledge of allegiance, not them. Fuck ’em all. Now.
Oath of Office
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.