The Willful Incompetence of Covid-19

C-Suite Civil War 2020 David-daily Fundamentals Policy

I was a juvenile thief. What broke me of that, was my realization that I had become like those who hurt me. But for a few years there, your shit was mine for the taking. As a child I had to become an alpha-predator to survive the predators around me, and thieving was part of that, more so than the usual juvenile stuff. And by predators, I mean murders, rapists, torturers, and worst of all? Neglectful “adults.” Evil all over me, and no one cared to do anything about it. Kind of like now.

Always “shopping” for stuff I could take, stuff that I wanted, I was ever vigilant for the opportunity to crime. I reasoned that if you’re stupid enough to put stuff I wanted in my face, I was justified in taking said stuff. Understand, that I understand, the mindset of crime. By way of experience, not imagination nor conjecture. Being a criminal is a valuable part of my resume.

And having been a smaller, weaker piece of meat for the predators around me, as a child, turned out to be great preparation for the fight I have before me now. I employ the instincts of alpha-predation to survive. Rule number one? Stick with what’s real, no matter what.

When I see the use of an average flu bug being used as a prop in a well organized, well planned and executed psychological operation, to take control of the world, the preposterousness of it all does not blind me to seeing and recognizing the crime in progress. Covid-19 is a hoax: We’ve all lost our lives to it, through the presupposition that we’re all now justifiably under absolute government control. This has already happened. But I guess that’s a conspiracy theory too, huh?

Government controls which are in CLEAR violation of the protections of the US Constitution. Not that anyone is doing anything about that. By “anyone” I mean the fact that the establishment has complete control over the media, governments and corporations. Deep State. Its a thing, NOT a hoax.

Civil war is here, they started it. Covid-19 is a grand hoax:

Now is the time for a ‘great reset’

Gates Foundation’s “Event 201” & Rockefeller Foundation’s “Lock Step” Simulations, Eerily Resemble Current Events

Agenda 21, UNCED, 1992

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

When a COVID-19 vaccine is ready, this group will make sure the whole world can access it

LOCK STEP: The Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 Plan To Enslave the World Using Future ‘Plandemic’

Tons here>>>: Dave Cullen Archive Dave Cullen is Irish, not American. He’s great for perspective. We are not the only ones roiled by this take-over hoax.

There’s LOTS more, but this is enough to make the case of premeditated criminal behavior. RICO stuff. Specifically what has happened to us.

They want it, the world, and this is the gimmick they’ve created to steal the world. The New World Order. Enemies, predators. Kill them for it.

Establishment Globalist created Covid-19 as a way to claim us as their farm animals. By farm animals, I mean the globalist, the establishment, using governments, to herd us into useful arrangements, controlling and exploiting us for their own interests. The death of small business. The absolute regulation of society. These folks are farming us. Like animals. Farm animals. Their farm animals. Us.

Uh, when I say “us,” I really mean you, but only if you let them. Me? Well…

Yeah, that sums it up perfectly!

I’m at war, they started it. It is my duty as an aspiring American to kill them, and keep my country. Kill ’em all. This is the duty of all Americans, aspiring or otherwise. Americans are the law of the land, not them. Nor are they Americans. How about you? You have to choose. War is on us.

Oh, and if you think this isn’t about killing, wow. The only means of government persuasion is murder. Licensed to kill. Except for us. So yes, kill them all. It IS kill or be killed. Don’t care if you don’t like it. That’s the way it is. These governments (legal system) don’t call abortion murder. They don’t call mandatory masks unconstitutional. So what? They’re liars, and liars lie. They press the war, not us.

Let’s not forget Alpha-Predation Rule Number One: stick to what’s real, no matter what.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.

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