Etiquette, is too often a social artifact misused to bullshit, excuse and dismiss the revelation of information. Etiquette matters, yes. For me, etiquette is the respect of open sincerity. But the idea of etiquette is misused by ego driven people to obfuscate willful incompetence, evil, and protect lies. Because information is destructive to lies, the liars dismiss information as impolite. What that really means is the the information is uncomfortable for them to hear. These folks equate etiquette with agreement.
Consider this. If all things are always polite, then really, nothing is ever polite. Consider this, that deception and manipulation are the first two forms of violence, violence being very very impolite. Consider that when speaking of rude things, truthfully, then it is the true rudeness of what we speak of that matters very much, that it be conveyed. Consider that lying about a thing, in the cause of etiquette, is to profane etiquette, breaking it with the violence of deception and manipulation.
Plain speak is polite speak. What people refer to as politeness is too often cowardliness masking as manners. Fuck that. But adherents to bullshit, most people, need these sorts of mechanics to justify their ongoing life of lies. Like they’re being morally superior by lying about right and wrong. Uh huh.
I stay on the politically rude side of exposition. I stay on this side as a measure of honesty that isn’t possible by the rules of politically correct etiquette. The rules of political correctness itself. Politics are always about doing the wrong thing. I am not.
This behavior is a tell on another aspect of people’s conversations. That they use conversations as instruments of violence, interpreting plain speak as the nuclear option of rudeness, because in their lives, it is. Their use of plain speak is for strategic aggression, not the conveying of information. Sound familiar? Passive aggression 101. Information is ONLY dangerous to those who live by way of lies. Information is ONLY dangerous to fiction culture. Not Americanism. If you want to get the truth from someone, piss ’em off. Then you’ll get some bits of honesty.
Because I hold no aggressive will towards people, only bullshit (Huh!!! Such an ugly word!), I speak freely, think freely, act freely. Free of fear, free of disapproval, free of consequences. Reality, truth, is in the best interest of all competent people. Good will. But reality ruins fiction culture, which is what I want to do.
I routinely say what needs to be said, none of which is acceptable to “polite” company. By polite company, I mean bullshitters. 🙂
If you are off-put by plainly spoken information that adheres to reality, as best it can, then that’s your problem, not mine. If you are adherent to the bullshit lifestyle, then we are not friends anyway. But if you are interested in Americanism, as I define it, and respect legitimate etiquette, then let’s be friends. There are few of us, Americans. Too few.
One last thing about plainly spoken fearlessness. When the PC brigade (Political Correctness) comes for you, and you’re a bullshitter, you’re going to fall back in with the political correctness that you use to hold onto your own fake life. However, when the PC brigade comes for an American, we find great humor in their bullshit, mocking and laughing and telling them ALL to go fuck themselves. Its quite a kick, hanging with the power of reality, the power of God.
Judge information on its credibility, its validity, not its comfort. There are rude things, that are rude. Then there is belligerent, aggressive behavior. When attacked by information, that’s on you. When attacked by people, that’s on them. In both cases, truthfulness is the answer, the only thing that is real. Lying is always rude.
Get real and find out. I close with this: to know a truth, is to understand all its attendant lies. Reality smashes bullshit. Fiction culture is social programming. Social programming is evil. Reality smashes social programming. Reality smashes evil. Americanism deprograms people. Americanism, as I define it, is the only peaceful, sustainable way to defeat the evil that is (and has been) on us. “Retreat, hell! We just got here.” —Major Lloyd W. Williams, USMC. When people come at you about being rude, when you’re being truthful, tell them that: “Lying is always rude, truthfulness is never rude, show me where I’m wrong.”
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.