If you’ve read much of my stuff, you’ll notice that I seem pretty unhappy, complain a lot, and seem to chase windmills. That’s certainly what the bad people would have you believe. So today I share (barely touch upon) a few concrete examples of why I am so angry, and what is so wrong.
The angst in America is a legitimate angst. I feel it too, I think we all do, but for different reasons. And with different understandings of what is wrong. Reality versus Fiction Culture. Suffice it to say, that the cost of embracing reality is anger and an intolerance of what is wrong. That’s how it works.
Has America ever been great? The people, some. The government, never. When founded, we compromised and let slavery happen. Treated women as less the men. And only gave rights on the basis of wealth. Those matters have since, and at great cost, been remedied. But we broke other stuff along the way. We got from bad to worse.
Today’s America sanctions and funds the systemic murder of the most innocent, the yet-born. This murder is championed by many in this country, each and all of them more evil than any other evils in history. Abortion is the greatest evil possible. The murder of the most innocent, by those who ought to best protect them.
Abortion is a degradation of femininity. Abortion is anti-woman. And women who do not actively oppose it are less than women, and a disgrace to their gender. And it murders. Any government that allows this is not my government. Any country to allows this is not my country. America is not yet founded; something not American is in its place, posing.
Abortion isn’t the only issue, but it is the first issue. Murder is murder, and “the law” of this country has never been fit for respect. From slavery to abortion, the “law” of this country is bullshit. All of it.
That’s something wrong; that’s why I’m angry.
Deficit Taxing
Because politics is a natural occupation of psychopaths, it is understandable the predominance of bullshit in all thing government. Second to Abortion, government spending is to stealing what the holocaust was to mass civilian murder. Small time crime isn’t even material, by FASB (accounting) standards, relative to the grand-theft-everything perpetrated by the governments.
They call it “deficit spending.” But there isn’t any deficit of spending, only a deficit of taxing. They’re “spending” it right away, into their own pockets. They (psychopaths) don’t call it deficit taxing, because people would not support that. So they call it deficit spending, implying you might get something. But you don’t, except the debt. And debt is slavery.
Even the latest “relief” from the corona virus hoax, exemplifies this theft. With the “CARES Act”, 2.2 trillion dollars were added to our debt, of which, regular people got squat. Those who did get parts of that money were the ones already habituated to getting money from the government. People not like me.
As for the SBA (Small Business Administration) loans, most of those went to not-small business, and the banks didn’t even know (or want) to process legitimate small business applications.
Yet, we are on the hook for this money. Again, and again, and again. My biggest disappointment in Donald Trump is that he’s lost his poo on the deficit. In fairness to him though, he does have the establishment working to kill him, including the fake-party known as “Republicans.”
Its not like I am unable to suckle the government’s tits. Its that as an American, that is something we do not do. We are productive, not parasitical. Second to abortion, this all-consuming national debt is the greatest threat to our national security. Taxes take our earnings with little to show for it. And “Baseline Budgeting” is a scam, the systemic growth of government, an ongoing institutional thievery of us.
This is not my government. These are not my people.
Deficit taxing is something wrong, that makes me angry.
General Social Insanity
General social insanity, the full-blow bullshit coming from the political parties, regarding man’s attempt to dominate reality with their ego. We talked about Abortion and Deficit Taxing, two biggies, but the (es)hits just keep on coming. I present three of them. Rigged elections, abuse of power, and gender fluidity. Politics is always about doing the wrong thing. And our governments are truly, specifically, insane.
Rigged elections, the two party system. Elections are supposed to be our check and correction of government abuses. But our election system was long ago subverted by the two party system. These parties, Democrat and Republican, are owned and operated by the (singular) establishment. Votes don’t matter when there are no legitimate choices to make. Our elections are un-checked, un-questioned, un-criticized—frauds.
These are not my people. These are not my governments. I’m an American, not a Democrat or a Republican.
Rigged elections are something wrong, that makes me angry.
Abuse of power, the attacks on Donald Trump have cured forever, any hint of regrets for not pursing a career in domestic counter intelligence, or the practice of legal. And I’m so glad I broke contact with the political parties. These are filthy, evil (willfully incompetent) people, and I’m glad to goodness I’m not among them. Sometimes you are better off alone. This would be one of those times. The “media” too. Filthy, conniving, lying subversives. All of them.
These are not my people. These are not my governments.
Abuse of power is something wrong, that makes me angry.
Gender fluidity, the insanity that there are more than two genders, and that you get to pick what that happens to be, and even change that—that gender is “fluid”—is full-blow bullshit. I count this as a firewall artifact built to guard against sanity. There are two genders, male and female. Male and female are not equal, because they are not the same. Of the two, its pretty clear that the female gender is most important, as the female gender, with male participation, reproduces life. That’s it. And reproduction of life is why there are two genders. Everything else is ego driven bullshit.
Genders have more in common across species, then they do to each other.
“Gender Fluiditists ” are not my people. These are not my governments. (Yeah, I made that term up. Gender Fluiditists. New term. I probably misspelled it.)
Gender fluidity is something wrong, that makes me angry.
General social insanity is an illness, a mental illness, not a social wellbeing. The decidedly insane are not my people. These are not my governments. I’m an American, not whatever you’d call “reality defying insanity.” (Oh yeah, that’s ego.)
General social insanity is something wrong, that makes me angry.
Regarding Anger
When I say “…makes me angry.” What I mean is that these are properly disturbing things. But they are also choices. I respect the anger I feel when violated by bullshit, but I also choose to respond with acceptance, avoidance, and my best effort to correct these incompetences when and where I can.
This mostly means myself. I am not responsible for others, no matter how much I do care for them. And any assertion of responsibility over them is the worst form of violence, a denial of their own sovereignty. As an American, that’s a big no no.
What I can do, attempting to help others who are inclined to listen, is present material like this, that I’ve come to see and understand, by way of experience and extensive consideration.
Anger is relational to the urgency of aggression too. When the government lays some serious bullshit on me about what I’ve got to do, and what I cannot do, like with this virus hoax, I’m all “fuck you” about it. That’s the American way.
Regarding: Not My People. Not My Governments.
Because I have good cause not to trust nor even listen to what is presented to me, from the media and government apparatchiks, I do not trust, nor even listen to what is presented to me, from the media and government apparatchiks. I do not respect bullshit. Not even theirs. I consider the first two forms of violence as: deceptions and manipulation. Which is all I get from the media and government apparatchiks.
Fuck ’em all.
This is just a tiny presentation of: Why So Angry? What’s So Wrong? An aspiring American, I live according to what is real, as best I can, and give zero credence to bullshit. Most people though, live their entire lives inside of their ego, by way of total bullshit. Their fiction cultures. We Americans are hated by them, because we reveal their fictional lives, contradicting them. We break their bullshit.
If this doesn’t give insight into why I seem pretty unhappy, complain a lot, and appear to chase windmills, oh well. That’s probably because this information threatens fictions you hold for yourself and the rest of us.
Americanism, as I define it, is built on: spiritual living, the life guiding principles of freedom, and a singular loyalty to simple competence. Keep reading my stuff to keep learning more. Eventually, I’ll complete my book on this which you’ll be able to purchase. The comments section is also a great place to work on these issues/considerations.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.