The Greatest Addiction


The greatest addiction isn’t drugs or alcohol. It isn’t sex, gambling, eating too much, eating too little, working too much, working too little, you get the idea. None of these things, sometimes associated as addictions, are not the greatest addiction. The greatest addiction is fiction culture, more commonly known as bullshit.

For me, life is a contest between what is real, reality, and what is imagined, fiction. Reality vs Bullshit. When I stay grounded in reality, life is good, but I do not get to pretend to be more than I am. When I stay in fiction, life is horrible, but I get to play the victim, and pretend I am something else, something “greater” than who I happen to be.

Fiction Culture

And why would I choose one over the other? We start our lives in fiction. Prior to conception we don’t even exist. Over time, we collect experiences from which, if we are willing, we learn about things. Reality. But we start in fiction.

What we cannot explain, we make stories. What we do not know, we make stories. Postulations taken as real, but they are not.

What keeps us in fiction is our ego. Our self-sentiment of Godhood. And rather than learn over time, we pump up the story, the fiction, to explain how and why we are not wrong, when we plainly are. Ego says no. Ego says it decides what is right and wrong. Ego “knows” shit. Reality be damned.

But stories are fictions, and fail in reality. Only in our minds can our stories persist. Insanely so.

Governments are collective egos. Governments are the beast. The legal industry is the means by which it does this. Governments are used to herd and exploit the people, by those who control the governments. Governments are criminal organizations, organized to play God, in service to those who control the governments, the establishment. And governments are truly the beast, of biblical lore, because they institutionalize and mandate the insanities of fiction culture. Controlled by ill-intended people, governments punish the competent to protect the insane. And always farm us for the benefit of themselves, the establishment.

All of this is inevitable, because most people never touch reality in the course of their lives. Most people never step outside of ego. Most people are never fully grown. Most people would end the world before confronting the idea that their life as lived, is a lie. They war on reality instead, attacking the innocent, attacking any and all who do not adhere to their ideology of fiction. Their fiction culture. Their bullshit. Just look at political correctness, which is the protection of guilt, the protection of bullshit.

Ego driven insanity is what makes fiction culture is the greatest addiction. That’s why fiction culture is the most destructive force in society. That’s why healthy people choose reality over fiction, once we’ve overcome our self-sentiment of Godhood, our ego, the beast.

Which raises another unavoidable fact, that the media, aka the news, is nothing but deception and manipulation, actively herding you into compliant establishment objective behaviors. They are subversive, unaccountably so. The media is openly socially violent. And few people call them on it. Those who do, like myself, are attacked for threatening the fiction culture. So you’ve got to be up for it, if you’re going to embrace reality, and call people on their lies.


Looking at the mess fiction culture devolves into, we find the reason WHY we choose reality over bullshit. For the simple sake of survival, we have to choose reality, or we will smother in the certain failure of fiction culture. The only way to succeed is to side with reality. But you can’t be ego driven and realistic at the same time. As in every other addiction, you have to abstain from the object of your addiction. You have to abstain from fiction culture. That means you also HAVE to call bullshit on bullshit. Anything less is a lie.

To choose reality, you have to accept yourself as you are, as God made you. And noticeably reject those who do not. You have to recognize that knowledge is an emotion, and it is experience and understanding that actually matter. You have to learn to trust beyond your ability to see and understand, and where we used to make up stories about those things, we instead trust in God, and admit we do not know. Not afraid, faithful. I call trusting beyond my ability to see and understand the essence of spirituality. And trusting beyond my ability to see and understand is spiritual living.

These things are utterly important. Ego, our self-sentiment of Godhood, rejects who we actually are, and demands that we be God. Ego hates us. Our ego and other people’s egos, they hate us. Fuck egos. We are perfect exactly as God made us.

Without an acceptance and love—a gratitude—of yourself, you’ll lack the experience and understanding needed to embrace the rest of reality. As for those who come at you because you don’t meet their approval, tell them to go fuck themselves. I do, and it works like a charm. And no, this does not include valid criticism, but social pressure to conform to a fictitious social stereotype. Think: “High School.”

This ties in with the requirement to call bullshit on bullshit. Telling people to go fuck themselves when they criticize you for being you, is our first example of this. The first two forms of violence are deception and manipulation. Complicity with bullshit is to support the lies. Evil. You HAVE to call bullshit on bullshit, it is the only peaceable thing to do.

This is where society fails, because society fears the reckoning of bullshit over the denied (certain) failures that come from denying reality. Society holds lies as greater than truths. The anchor of this fear are the lies society keeps for itself. Social narrative, if you will. We do well to break it. To call bullshit on bullshit, all the time.

Embrace reality and enjoy actual power. As for those who then hate you for that, loose them. They are enemies. They hate truth. They hate you. They hate themselves.

Those who embrace truth do not have a possession of reality. No, that’s what fiction cultures assert. It is that we recognize, and do not pretend otherwise, that we do not have a possession of reality. We only have experience and from experience, an understanding. Our experience shows too, that our understanding is often wrong. This makes us excellent learners. Contrast that with ego driven people who “are never wrong.”

“Knowledge” is an emotion. Not an experience nor an understanding. That’s why I’ve abandoned it, and use “experience and understanding” in place of “knowledge.” For me, knowledge is an emotion of entitlement, and I get cheated when something contradicts it. Yep, bullshit.

Even religion, which for me is God in a box, that I control, is bullshit. God is beyond my ability to see and understand, so no, I cannot tell you who and what God is, but I do rely on reality, and have faith in God. Not belief, but faith. Beyond my ability to see and understand. These are not semantics, but tactically, strategically significant.

Law enforcement is hated because they call bullshit on bullshit. Unfortunately, they are also charge to commit bullshit, as instructed by their political overlords, the politicians. Yeah, politicians institute bullshit, and law enforcement pays the price. Damned both ways.

Evil Is On Us

This brings us to the end of today’s blog. The government is mandating bullshit, in violation of the US Constitution, but so what? They’re doing it anyway.

There is no law that isn’t enforced, there is no enforcement that isn’t law, regardless of what’s said in a book.

That’s my rule of law and enforcement. Unless an act is contested, there isn’t any protection of law. And the legal system is itself, utterly criminal. This narrows it down to us.

We have manifest evil on us right now, with the virus hoax called covid-19. Lies and manipulations from the start, this very thing has been war gamed by the establishment, for the purpose of taking further control of us, the people. They are on record doing this, comfortable that their obedient press will never present THAT information. Information like this: New World Order

The point is that they are going to criminally violate my citizenship, with the aid of the rest of the social institutions, that are supposed to also protect us from this sort of criminal activity. That’s why its called the establishment. Corporate tyranny, government collusion. Government tyranny, corporate collusion. They are the same at this point in time.

Right is wrong, wrong is right. Full bloom fiction culture. Full blow bullshit. Heck, this is hippo territory.

This criminal attack on us comes in the form of mandating our behaviors. They claim a responsibility they do not have, to assert a liberty to command our obedience and compliance to their bullshit. Covid-19 is a hoax. Police discrimination against blacks is a hoax. Government and corporate policies are crimes. And challenging the establishment and their power grab now brings pain on those of us who do.

But no one else is going to challenge them. It is up to us to do this. Most people are to strung out on their own ego laden fiction cult addiction to care, and are in no shape to resist. They are the mob that needs to be put away.

Refuse to cooperate with bullshit mask wearing and social distancing. These are psychological operations planned out well in advance, and un-related to what is actually going on. Masks, social distancing, cop hatred, the per-suppositions currently used to justify corporate government’s categorical herding of the people, in violation of all those laws meant to prevent it. The establishment’s grand power grab. They are the final stages of turning society back into a farm, farmed for the benefit of the establishment. The aristocracy. Facts.

There is a chance, perhaps a good chance, that I do not survive this. Too many in law enforcement work for the government, and not the people. They are ready and willing to enforce bullshit, in violation of the law. When they do that to me, I will lose to them, but not to bullshit itself.

In case all the this sound too fantastic to believe, remember we have the First and Second Amendments for just this certain eventuality, foreseen by the authors of the US Constitution. They dealt with the same thing. Let’s learn from them, and do better this time.

The history of mankind, is the story of war, between bullshit and reality. That’s it. When you get that, you can understand the rest.

I’ve explained these things to give context to how and why you are violated by corporate government. They contrive lies for the sake of attacking us. To eliminate the strong, and subdue the hesitant. Planned, organized, executed. Good luck. As for myself, I choose to be murdered rather than submit to tyranny. And tyranny is on us.

Quit bullshit. Embrace reality. Be American.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.

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