Value 101, Part One


I’m starting a daily blog today. The idea is to give my past day a review, and the day ahead—objectives. Here we go!

The hardest thing in my life, is to find values that I can support. So much of what I was taught wasn’t true, and most of what people value I no longer care about. Some of my values are: caring, benevolence, service, protection, honesty, and most of all, sincerity. Values that I’m no longer fooled by are: heroism (ego), knowledge (ego), religion (mastery of God in a box), perfectionism (ego), prestige (uh, ego). Even honor is questionable, as that has everything to do with ego, and little to do with reality. Ego isn’t real. Ego is the antithesis of real. Ego is our self sentiment of Godhood.

That’s half of it. The other half is to serve/use those values socially, in what I’m going to do today. And the hard part happens when what people want is to have the lie, their fiction cult, their ego, that they’ve been programmed with, reinforced and supported. My values call bullshit on bullshit, and ego is bullshit. I consider deception and manipulation as the first two forms of violence, so supporting ego is committing violence. So when what people want is bullshit, I’m not willing (I am quite able to do so) to help them. And that’s what’s hardest in my life. I’d call these sorts of problems, the best sorts of problems. How about you?

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.

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