Each of us have grown up and live inside a culture built by our predecessors. We are born into a time and space, with a natural social arrangement of life and circumstances. Among these circumstances are social organizations, naturally occurring as they prove advantageous to the general survival of its members. Other species do this too, naturally.
Among the many social organizations present in contemporary American society, we find “The Media.” In this article, I define the media as:
- purpose driven communications
- that are recorded
- and distributed
- to society at-large.
Yes, this includes the obvious media, like “news,” television programming, and movies. But it is far more pervasive than that. We also include trade publications, text books, religious publication, political works and especially advertising.
“The Media” thus includes all forms of daily contact with information and opinion. This breadth of inclusion is appropriate, once we see the social purpose of “The Media.”
Socially Programmed Attention
Looking at these bits of information and opinion, lets ask ourselves: “How did these get here?” Followed with the question: “Why do I pay attention to this particular media?” These are very important questions, the answers of which will rock your world, if they’ve haven’t already done so.
How did these get here? They are systemically produced and delivered into channels of distribution established over time, by people who produce them for the purpose of controlling your own opinion of things. These producers of media are social institutions, organized for the sole purpose of persuasion. Edward Bernays really put the word to it. Propaganda. Or as they like to say it, “Public Relations.”
These bits of information and opinion got here for the sole purpose of playing you. That’s how they got here; it is why they are here. All media, even this very article, is/are propaganda. Forget that, and suffer for it. When “information” isn’t true, reject it, and recognize the violence of those who lied to you. Even when information is true, question why overtly manipulative people bother to present real information. Outrage culture 101. They want to gain your trust, and turn you down the line, as a “leader.”
As for myself, I present you this information because I hate violence, and the violent people who abuse and exploit society by ways of deception. This is my motive. To inoculate the public from media bullshit.
Why do I pay attention to this <favorite> media? Inter-generational habituation, that’s why. Like religion, we’re raised to listen and trust it. “The Media” is older than each of us, and was established long ago with the purpose of controlling, each of us. We are socially programmed to listen to, and trust, particular outlets of information and opinion. That is, until we question it.
The two earliest forms of media were writing and pictures. In terms of controlling the public, writing wasn’t effective until literacy took hold. Pictures though, are innately literate. To this day, pictures are used extensively, as they are also free of language and dialects. And with contemporary networked computer communications, the word “icon” no longer refers to stylized pictures of the Eastern Orthodox Church, but pictures on your display. Propaganda posters are renown.
So “The Media,” once limited to print and picture communications, now includes all forms of media, print, video, pictures, voice, even interactive devices, computers. The evolution of media includes the rise and fall of print, falling to a rise and fall of radio, falling to the rise and fall of network television, which has now fallen to the rise and shine of Internet Communications. Even smartphones. But lets look at how that hasn’t changed a damn thing.
Unless you’ve already changed your consumption habits, you’re still getting the standard propaganda from establishment sources. Unless you’re willing to question honestly these sources of information and opinion, you’re not likely to change your consumption habits. These points of distribution, and the messaging they deliver, are polished bits of praise, FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt), and convenient solution. They flatter to keep your attention. They sow problems, outrage culture, to drive you to their convenient solutions. The establishment’s solutions. Evil shit.
Here’s the thing. Unless you change your sources of information, you’ll always only get the establishment narrative. Worse than not knowing, is being misinformed.
Alternative Media?
Okay, so let’s listen to alternative media. Uh huh. Kind of like voting Democrat or Republican. The fraud is in the presupposition that these are the legitimate choices. The Soviet’s really messed up when they only had one party. The Chinese too, make that mistake, where you are told what to do and think, rather than given an illusory “choice.” In America, we are given this illusory choice, and in “alternative media” you’ll find all kinds of noise about this and that, but when it comes to critical issues, for all the noise these folks make, they still fall in line with establishment objectives, and try to take you with them. Its their job to do that.
Like who? Like all talent on Clear Channel and Cox. Like Glenn Beck, and the gaggle of corralled talent at Blaze Media. Basically Steven Crowder and Mark Levin, and others too. Even Rush Limbaugh, who actually did re-establish AM radio as a thing, keeps to establishment dogma regarding politics in America.
These “alternative media” outlets appeal to the “responsibility minded” half of citizenry, the so called conservatives. It is an important demographic for social control, so they talk a lot, but fail on critical issues: they fail to teach the trappings of this establishment system. I call them here and now on it. Our elections are a fraud. Our legal policies are murderously criminal. The practice of law is purely political. Our fiscal policies pack the pockets of the establishment while indebting us for generations. Lies are now virtuous. Truths are treachery. “Alternative Media” participates and supports establishment policies, policies used to control and exploit us. And they are well paid to do so.
So how does popular media get here? By being useful to the purposes of establishment policies.
Why is popular media harmful? Because you will only be misinformed by it. Worse than not knowing is being misinformed.
Like elections, the system surrounding media prevents actual civil participation. To hit it big, you’ve got to serve establishment interests. You can see this too on the Internet. Most notoriously, youtube. Look up: Prof Dolores Cahill, if you doubt this. And Dave Cullen/Computing Forever. Youtube/google/et. al., censorship is a thing. Censorship is the thing. “The Media” only serves establishment interests, and is organized to squelch civilian participation, and keep the public discourse clean of any talk or notice of its ripping corruption.
The Social Purpose of “The Media?”
Control and mitigation. To censure truth, promote lies, repair damages caused by revelations of truth. These are the social purposes of “The Media?”
Control. First and foremost, the media is used to control public attention. To infuse outrage into various demographics, because an outraged public is a controllable public. Stoking the useful rages with the proper diatribe of dirt. Planned, developed, verified and deployed. In a word, the “narrative.”
Control is also maintained by keeping out dissenting voices. AKA: not the narrative. This is why the first order of importance to the establishment, is that it own and operate the distribution points of media. They even got rid of Roger Ailes.
Mitigation serves to “discredit” what little dissenting messages do make into public scrutiny. Lies, damn lies and statistics. Ego driven society eats this shit up, because know they are living a lie, and want to protect it. They think nobody knows their lives are a lie, that it is a secret. They really do. And they’ll end the world before letting go of it, their fiction cult.
The narrative. The supremacy of the establishment. The childish absurdity of man’s dominance of reality. Like all religions, which are lingual dogma’s of ideology—where monkeys define “reality”—never mind whether its proponents actually believe what they say; they use these ideologies to control and exploit those who do believe what they say. That’s what makes it evil. Willful incompetence.
There is an actual term for this too: “The Window of Discourse.” First coined by Joseph Overton. For marketing purposes, it is also called: “The Overton Window.” Much catchier than “The Window of Discourse.”
So, what is “The Media?”
Worth repeating. “The Media” is a highly controlled, unified, coordinated distribution system of information and opinion, built to manipulate public opinion towards the better interests of the establishment. It is the primary means by which establishment powers control and exploit society. It is not a trustable source of information and opinion, in fact whatever it promotes, might best be avoided.
This holds true for both flavors of media. “Mainstream” garbage, that appeals to the vanities of most people, and “alternative” garbage, that appeals to the vanities of so called conservatives. Both segments of society are targeted and actively manipulated by the establishment. Outrage culture, ideology, we’re being played. Think about it.
In my opinion, it is best to receive all information as propaganda. This isn’t paranoia, but well supported by experience and understanding. Many of us have learned not to take advertising at face value. We are constantly spammed by exploitative messaging, and developed a healthy skepticism. We need the same healthy skepticism towards all media. When reviewing information and opinions, beware crafted appeals. Each and everyone of those is an overt act of deception and manipulation. Marking the speaker as not trustworthy. In my personal experience, this represents ALL of well organized media.
In case you think this goes to far, don’t forget that most people live ego driven lives, championing their own personal cult of fiction. How else do you think lies become virtues, and truth—treachery?
David Weeks, Information Developer. Tampa, Florida.